Radium Engineering Subaru EJ Fuel Rail Plumbing Kit
Radium Engineering Subaru EJ Fuel Rail Plumbing Kit
This engine bay plumbing kit is designed to be used with all Radium EJ fuel rails (excluding 20-0499 DPI rails). It includes all the necessary components to complete the fuel rail installation. Using the OEM hard lines near the LH strut tower, this kit plumbs the fuel rails in series.
Furthermore, it is compatible with all factory hard lines, including newer SAE quick connect or older hose barb connections. An adjustable Radium Direct Mount Regulator (DMR) is included along with a Radium fuel pressure gauge to calibrate the DMR. The 6AN swivel adapter fittings for the fuel rail ports are low profile making them ideal for the tight spaces associated with the EJ motor. The variety of reuseable PushLok hose ends permit customizing (such as adding a flex fuel sensor) making installation quick and painless. A parallel feed system is not possible with this kit.
The fuel hose included in this kit can be cut and installed with standard tools and without special skills. Unlike standard low-quality rubber fuel hose that degrades with alternate fuels, the provided Vapor Shield hose is resistant to all fuels including E85. Furthermore, the hose has a thermoplastic armor layer that guards against unwanted vapor permeation (gas smell). And unlike PTFE, this fuel hose helps absorb absorbs unwanted fuel injector pulses and has an easy to work with bend radius.
-Direct Mount Regulator
-6AN PushLok Hose Ends
-6AN Adapter Fittings
-SAE Quick Connect Fittings
-3/8" ID Vapor Shield EFI Hose
-Stainless EFI Hose Clamps